Meet the consortium: Digital for Planet

Digital for Planet is a non-profit organization that brings together digital innovators, researchers, public authorities, civil society, and citizens at work to ensure digital transformation and sustainability go hand in hand. We specialize in communication, dissemination, graphic and web design, and project management for EU projects.  Our expertise lies in creating engaging content and effective communication strategies that connect communities and foster collaboration. Our mission is to empower a digitally-connected society with equal opportunities for all, while advancing the integration of innovative technologies in various sectors. 

The project team is composed of communication and project management experts, working to build a strong branding and communication strategy for COROB, ensuring it becomes recognisable and impactful across all sectors and relevant communities. 

Flavia Maragno

Communication and Dissemination Specialist

Octavio Oliva

Visual and Web Designer

Valentina Margaria

Senior Project Manager

Digital for Planet’s role in the COROB project is centered on implementing a comprehensive communication and dissemination strategy. Our team works closely with all project partners to build a strong and recognizable image, which is crucial for fostering collaborations with other related projects and initatives within the robotics and AI realms. We aim to create and maintain accessible channels, including a user-friendly website and active social media platforms, to ensure that information is effectively disseminated and reaches a wide audience. By doing so, we enhance the project’s visibility, engage stakeholders, and promote the project’s goals and achievements across various sectors. 

The COROB project is important for Digital for Planet as it allows us to connect our communities with the cutting-edge fields of robotics and AI, fostering strong connections and collaboration. It provides us with a platform to bring innovation to the forefront, enhancing the project’s visibility and relevance within our communities. Through COROB, we aim to inspire and engage our audience, showcasing the transformative potential of robotics and AI and solidifying our role as a leader in these advanced environments.

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